College: A Portfolio of Year One

I managed to survive my first year of art school!

Now, I probably should have taken more core curriculum courses, but I could really care less about math, so that will have to wait until next year.

This year, I stepped out of my comfort zone more times than I can count. And usually that would be scary, but when you care about something so much you will do anything. I drew naked people and it wasn’t as uh, uncomfortable? as I had imagined.

Anyways…I embraced a more abstract side to my art style and it honestly shocked me. I came up with designs that I never knew I was capable of. Big thank you to my professors who pushed me and convinced me to try new medias and methods. 3D Design was a challenge that turned into a blessing as multiple professors told me I have a very three dimensional outlook even in my 2D work?? Who knew! I sure didn’t. I started this year HATING charcoal, and now I couldn’t imagine NOT using it. Ink is also a new territory that I am learning to explore. Not that different from paint, right?!

Okay, so here is a SMALL sample of work from both semesters! I have so much more and most are pieces that will never see the sun, but I am very proud of this collection and I hope you get some idea of the adventures I have been up to since September!

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